we started ziya on food. om, wow. for about 4 days straight all she did was poop. i thought that she might be sick, dehydrated, something... probably because i am now, officially, a hover mother. or i've got a case of the munchausen. i'm not sure. for instance: ziya got a fever last week, 101.5, and i was sure she had meningitis and was going to die and we HAD TO GO TO THE HOSPITAL NOW! NOW! NOW! then, she started with all this poop and i was convinced that the soft spot on her head had sunk and... jeez. she is still pooping constantly, though. well, just more than she was. every time i go to get her our of her crib, stink bomb. i'm not sure if it's because i was not in her room right before she woke up so she could see me when she did, and since i wasn't she was all pissed and through her yelling at me she grunted out some, cough, shit. or if she poops in her sleep and that's what wakes her up. i'm thinking it's the former. not to mention when i put her in her jump around saucer swisher, it's like the prime poospot. i love our pediatrician, though; he doesn't make me feel like a freak, even though i call him 24/7 and we're bestis now. dr. abrams is the best!
so, back on the food tip. i bought: 6 plums, 1 bag of ungrated stem carrots, tofu, asparagus, 1 yellow squash, and i already had brown rice, all of which organic, and i spent $19.47-ish. peeled the plums, squished 'em off the core right into the blender. i chopped up the veggies, steamed the asparagus and squash for 5 minutes and the carrots for 10. put all those in the blender [separately] with some of the water from the steam. i didn't have any ice cube trays, so i used the breastmilk bags and squished all the air out of 'em. measured 2 tbsp into each of them and put it in the freezer. that took probably all of an hour with all the prep work. you could just buy the carrots already grated and cut up, but it's more expensive that way. you don't have to peel the squash, just cut off the ends and then slice. chop up the asparagus. that made... 37-40 bags of food. 2 tbsp. per bag; ziya eats 3 bags, plus 2 tbsp of tofu and rice, total in a day. so, i've spent about $1.50 a day at 13 days of food. roughly $45 can feed my 7-month old organic, homemade food for a month. however, if i had been able to buy it from a CSA distributor, it would have been even cheaper. [going to one tomorrow] oh, and to thaw it out, i just hold the bag in my hands. you can put it in hot tap water, too. so easy!
now, if only chris and i ate 8 tbsp. of food a day.
Yay, you blogged! Poopoo city is my kinda place. =)